After high-school Ruth landed a job as copy-runner in the editorial department of the Vancouver Sun. She had aspirations of becoming a crime writer, but instead ended up a news librarian which helped her hone her research skills. Her journalism skills eventually led her to write about her travels. She likes to combine her interest in history with her travel writing. She is currently editor/publisher of an online travel magazine Travel Thru History and she is on the writing staff of EuropeUpClose. Ruth has written The Vancouver Guide for iStopOver Magazine. Ruth loves to travel. She first visited Greece in 1978 and lived there full and part time for several years. Most of the research for her novel “Shadow of the Lion” was done in Greece with the support and help of several Classical Scholar friends. She has also travelled to England and Wales where her parents were born. Her work-in-progress Celtic tale “Dragons in the Sky” is set on the Salisbury Plain. She has instructed writing classes since 1994 for the Vancouver School Board including novel, creative writing and travel writing. She also conducts workshops, does reading critiques and instructs memoir writing classes for various community groups. Ruth says: “Writing helps me understand not only the way the world is, but about people and places and it helps me understand about myself. For me, writing comes from within my being. Writing is my life. It takes me out of the present world into one of my own creation. So come with me to those other worlds and share my adventures.” PUBLICATIONS TRAVEL Various Canadian and American publications including the Globe and Mail, Montreal Gazette, Vancouver Province, Connecting Solo Travel, Senior Living and other international print and internet publications. Travel Thru History (editor/publisher)
iStopOver Magazine (The Vancouver Guide: North America, Vancouver)
Europe Up Close
Travel Generation
Literary Traveler
Travel By The Books
Offbeat Travel
BOOK CREDITS Insight Guides, Vancouver and Surroundings, APA Publications, UK 1993. (Trips and Tours) FICTION AND NON FICTION PUBLICATIONS AND WORKS IN PROGRESS HISTORICAL FICTION “Shadow of the Lion” (completed)
NON-FICTION “The Admiral’s Island” (history of Keats Island BC Canada)
Keats Island News “The Admiral’s Island”
Downtown Memory Project contributor, Vancouver 2008
The People’s History “Free Spirit” Project contributor, Royal BC Museum, 2008
Winner of 1993 on-page writing contest, West End Writers’ Club
Foreign Flavours Anthology (Writers Abroad 2011) BOOK ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS BY OTHER AUTHORS “Memnon” by Scott Oden
"Trekking the Globe with (mostly) Gentle Footsteps", by Irene Butler
"Mighty Orion (FATE)" by Patricia A. Donahue
DRAMA “The Street: A Modern Tragedy” produced by Theatre in the Raw, Nov/Dec. 2000.
POETRY The Alexandrian Collection: Hymns for Gods and Heroes”
MEMBERSHIPS BC Association of Travel Writers
Canadian Author’s Association
Federation of BC Writers
Hedgebrook Writers in Residence Program Alumni (Spring 2001 - Whidbey Island WA)
Historical Novel Society
Pandora’s Poetry Collective
Federation of BC Writers “Off the Page Program”
Vaccouver School Board Young Writers Festival 2006 - Presenter Travel Writer’s Tales
Pandora’s Collective
Write to Travel
Planet Eye Traveler bio
Seattle Examiner Travel
Burnaby Writers Society News
The Common Line Project
Commercial Drive “Live”
Brock House “Write from the Heart”
Write from the Heart group blurbs (New Westminster)
Writer Friendly blog “From the Editor’s Desk” (bio) Writer Friendly blog “The Downtown Eastside Project” RUTH’S BLOGS Living the Writer’s Life
Travels With Ruthaki
Conversations with Myself
Shadow of the Lion